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Psoriasis is a widespread skin disease that affects many people globally. What makes psoriasis truly a bane in the truest sense of the word is that not only is it incurable and very hard to find a treatment that works long term, it is also a kind of disease that you don’t readily acquire from any afflicted person but one that lies within each individual, just waiting to come out without warning.

When psoriasis strikes, you’ll instantly notice how the skin turns red and inflamed and how it itches incessantly. Sooner than later, if it is not treated promptly with the appropriate psoriasis cream the tiny patches will eventually turn to thickened, dry, scaly, and flaky enlarge patches called psoriasis plaques that will spread rapidly. Depending on the affected area, the severity of the symptoms may vary, and so will be the prescribed psoriasis treatment. It can affect the scalp area which would cause hair loss, but will be a temporary effect that will disappear once the affected areas become free of psoriasis. If by chance it appears on the groin area, it might be mistaken as an STD or sexually transmitted disease mainly due to its outward and similar appearance. In these cases, an OTC psoriasis cream can help ease the symptoms.

Psoriasis is a lifetime or chronic condition once it appears; there is no known medicine or psoriasis remedy - traditional and alternative, that can cure it. Being a chronic disorder, it will continue to plague the psoriasis patient, appearing and disappearing from time to time in varying states of severity. Since there is a possibility for the condition to affect the joints, which is termed as psoriatic arthritis, both psoriasis patients and their respective physicians should work hand in hand extensively in order to prevent this highly debilitating disease from happening. The percentage may be low, ranging from being in the 10-15% among psoriasis patients, but may slowly rise as more additional new psoriasis cases keep appearing around the world.

What causes psoriasis has yet to be fully determined, but, nonetheless, clues and evidences point that the disease originates from the genetic make up of a person. People with a long family history of the disease will most likely have it at some point in their lives, and so will their children and their children’s children likewise get it. In view of this, people should not be wary of people with psoriasis since it is not contagious in a way. And there is no need to quarantine anyone with psoriasis.

The body’s immune system works to keep the body from being invaded and stricken with diseases and illnesses, as well to as regulate some bodily functions. One such function is to regulate the production of skin cells and its turn over. In the case of psoriasis, this function becomes somewhat impaired to a degree that skin production becomes highly increased but the turn over or shedding of dead skin cells on the surface remains the same. This event creates a build up of both new and dead skin cells that form the plaques. Most natural psoriasis remedies are based on dealing with this scenario. Bearing this in mind, the best home remedies for psoriasis are those that help strengthen and boost the immune system.

There are two outstanding hypotheses explaining the occurrence of psoriasis. First, psoriasis is a skin disorder wherein there is excessive reproduction and growth of skin cells. Some experts consider the condition as a malfunction of the keratinocytes (a layer) of the epidermis. Second, some researchers believe psoriasis is an immune-mediated ailment wherein excessive skin cells reproduction is caused by the immune system itself. The second theory is basically backed by the observation that immune-suppressing psoriasis remedies could clear psoriasis plaques.

Who is likely to develop or acquire psoriasis? This is another interesting aspect about this skin condition. In reality, psoriasis could affect just about anyone, regardless of age. It could be detected on skin of unborn infants or even ageing people. In most cases, symptoms and manifestations of the condition begin during early adult years, while people 50 years and older also report prevailing cases. Some patients may have psoriasis all their lives. There are even cases when psoriasis gets unnoticeable.

There are new treatment products that have been approved for psoriasis treatment by no less than the US Food and Drug Administration. These products include Taclonex Scalp, Xtrac Velocity, and adalimumab drugs. Such treatments have different natures and ingredients, but regulators underline their possible effectiveness. Potency could vary from one patient to another

People with psoriasis should also take note that there are several factors hat have been found to potentially worsen the skin disorder. These factors include stress, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, skin trauma, and several medications (like beta blockers, lithium, anti-malaria drugs, and interferon).

People should also know that there is no prevention measure against psoriasis, though people who may have relatives with the condition could be at greater risk of eventually developing it.